Release Date : May 7, 2010 Limited Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Jack Abramoff,William Branner,Tom Delay,Donn Dunlop
Lobbyists have long played a powerful role in American politics, but it wasn't until Jack Abramoff became the center of a 2006 corruption scandal with ties to leading members of Congress (and even the White House) that many became aware of just how deep and pernicious their influence truly was. The son of a wealthy businessman, Abramoff became a Republican activist in college, involved in programs to raise funds for GOP candidates and supporting political movements in Angola and South Africa that he believed promoted a free-market ideology. In 2001, Abramoff took control of a profitable gaming empire after the murder of casino owner Gus Boulis, while also operating a lobbying business that curried political favor among Republican politicians through money and expensive gifts (one of his leading allies was GOP party whip Tom DeLay). However, when Abramoff was discovered to have defrauded a number of Native American groups hoping to open gambling casinos with promises of political favors that could be obtained for the right price, his empire came crashing to the ground, taking a number of important reputations along with it. Filmmaker Alex Gibney chronicles the rise and fall of Jack Abramoff and the often bizarre story of how his political and financial ambitions took root in the documentary Casino Jack and the United States of Money, which includes interviews with a number of his associates and rare newsreel footage of his early years as a political gadfly. Casino Jack and the United States of Money was an official selection at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. ~ Mark Deming, Rovi
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New Review For Movie Casino Jack And The United States Of Money
Auds will feel info-glut over the course of the two-hour-plus film, which is hardly the desirable response for a piece of reporting on the vital issue of the corrupting effect of money in American politics.Robert Koehler-Variety
The narrative trots all over the globe, including stops for labor exploitation in the Marianas Islands, dealings with Russian mobsters,ripping off Indian tribes in the desert southwest, and jetting to Scotland to golf with impressionable politicians.
Ian Buckwalter-NPR
That the film is overlong ultimately testifies to its importance, though after a while, the outrageous details start to run together like surreal satire. Except, of course, that it's all true.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News
Buying votes in Congress, illegal then, legal now.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope
Dully tells the blood-boiling story of the convicted disgraced conservative superlobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews
A filthy toad of a human being whose every wart is revealed in this hard-hitting documentary.
A morose but instructive story about the destructive influence of money--and fanaticism--on American government.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion
There's not much new in Casino Jack and the United States of Money, but it is a lucid, entertaining documentary.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press
You need to see this movie. You need to see it not just from an historical perspective of hypocrisy laid bare, but as a cautionary tale.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)
The subject matter is likely to enrage and for all the appropriate reasons.
Offers a wide-ranging look at Abramoff's antics, from promoting sweatshops in Saipan to cheating Indian tribes out of casino revenues.
Loey Lockerby-Kansas City Star
Picture a dry PowerPoint presentation, divided into chapters with a fade-to-black screen scrawled with cutesy titles. Are we short-changed with this doc? You can bet on it.
Kimberly Gadette-Indie Movies Online
Alex Gibney pulls the same feat he achieved with "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room," making complicated financial chicanery first understandable, then entertaining, then completely maddening.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)
Disheartening though, at times, dizzyingly entertaining,..
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Abramoff and a few others landed in jail, but there's little joy to be had from this saga, since a long list of other crooks from the Bush-Cheney glory years never served time for their crimes.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing
Gibney takes a labyrinthine, detail-laden story and crafts an attention-holding film, polemical without ranting.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian
A lot of the film is rambling. Points aren't connected very well, and it feels needlessly convoluted. Worse, the tone seems completely inappropriate. If Gibney can't take the subject of human slavery -- in the Marianas islands -- seriously, how can we?
Jeff Vice-Deseret News, Salt Lake City
You can't make this stuff up, folks. Gibney does a fine job laying it out on the table for what it is.
Pete Hammond-Boxoffice Magazine
Gibney laudably launches a withering attack here on the pay-to-play relationship between lobbyists and lawmakers. But this viewer felt withered, too, by the end of his battering ram of a movie.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle
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Movie Overview For Casino Jack And The United States Of Money
A probing investigation into the lies, greed and corruption surrounding D.C. super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his cronies.TagLine Casino Jack And The United States Of Money Come See Where Your Democracy Went
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