Release Date : Jun 16, 2010 Limited Genre Movie :Documentary,Special Interest
Mpaa Rating : PG-13
Actors :David Carter,Seymour Pine,William Eskridge,Paul Bosche,Alfredo Del Rio,John Digiacomo,Dana Gaiser,Noah Goldman
"It was the Rosa Parks moment," says one man. June 28, 1969: NYC police raid a Greenwich Village Mafia-run gay bar, The Stonewall Inn. For the first time, patrons refuse to be led into paddy wagons, setting off a 3-day riot that launches the Gay Rights Movement. Told by Stonewall patrons, Village Voice reporters and the cop who led the raid, STONEWALL UPRISING compellingly recalls the bad old days when psychoanalysts equated homosexuality with mental illness and advised aversion therapy, and even lobotomies; public service announcements warned youngsters against predatory homosexuals; and police entrapment was rampant. A treasure-trove of archival footage gives life to this all-too-recent reality, a time when Mike Wallace announced on a 1966 CBS Reports: "The average homosexual, if there be such, is promiscuous. He is not interested in, nor capable of, a lasting relationship like that of a heterosexual marriage." At the height of this oppression, the cops raid Stonewall, triggering nights of pandemonium with tear gas, billy clubs and a small army of tactical police. The rest is history. -- (C) First Run Features
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New Review For Movie Stonewall Uprising
For a movie about a groundbreaking gay rebellion, Stonewall Uprising plays it much too straight.Dan Kois-Washington Post
It comes alive through the memories of those who were there.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times
On the one hand, Stonewall Uprising shows how far we've come toward enlightenment and tolerance since that hot June night. On the other, it reminds us that there are still many minds to change and rights to win.
David Wiegand-San Francisco Chronicle
The film does a sturdy job of placing the clash in historical context.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune
Pplaces the incident within the context of the Civil Rights struggles of the 1960s with PBS-caliber tact and compassion.
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Stonewall Uprising is an important documentary -- and a passionate and compassionate reconstruction of the historic standoff between police and pubcrawlers.
Carrie Rickey-Philadelphia Inquirer
Among the year's best non-fiction features.
Phil Hall-Film Threat
At moments it transcends its sometimes fuzzy construction and the spark that ignited a revolution becomes tremendously palpable and galvanizing.
Richard Knight-Knight at the Movies
Includes frank recollections and startling clips from vintage news reports, including 'The Homosexuals,' a 1967 CBS special narrated by Dan Rather that characterized homosexuality as 'a mental illness that has reached epidemiological proportions.'
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)
More than half of the documentary isn't about Stonewall at all, which makes for a frustrating 49-minute wait until the uprising begins to rise up.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press
Riveting -- and important -- stuff.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune
An excellent and insightful documentary...An inspiring chronicle of the birth of "gay power."
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest
Heartfelt and engagingly filmed, but not nearly as insightful as it could have been with sharper, more provocative questions asked.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru
The directors score a coup in getting testimony from the police officer who led the raid, a now-elderly gentleman who freely confesses the fear that rippled through his unit, and his regrets in having been on the wrong side of history.
Scott Tobias-AV Club
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