Release Date : Jun 11, 2010 Wide Genre Movie :Drama
Mpaa Rating : R
Actors :Jennifer Lawrence,John Hawkes,Kevin Breznahan,Dale Dickey,Garret Dillahunt,Sheryl Lee,Lauren Sweetser,Tate Taylor,Ashlee Thomson,Isaiah Stone,William White,Shelley Waggener
Her family home in danger of being repossessed after her meth-cooking dad skips bail and disappears, Ozark teen Ree Dolly (Jennifer Lawrence) breaks the local code of conduct by confronting her kin about their conspiracy of silence. Should she fail to track her father down, Ree Dolly, her younger siblings, and their disabled mother will soon be rendered homeless. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi R
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New Review For Movie Winter's Bone
Debra Granik's bleak little film is as tough, unflinching and fascinating as the characters who eke out a life amid its cold, gray hills.Connie Ogle-Miami Herald
Granik balances the pace and intrigue of a mystery thriller with total compassion for Ree, played with much skill by Lawrence.
Dave Calhoun-Time Out
This unblinking look at America's Red State Crystal Meth Belt is an instant Southern Gothic classic.
Roger Moore-Orlando Sentinel
Winter's Bone is a genuine triumph, a great movie with astounding performances so natural, so genuine, that you forget it's a movie.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic
What we've been waiting for: a work of art that grabs hold and won't let go.
David Denby-New Yorker
With Winter's Bone, Granik has morphed from a director worth watching to one who demands our undivided attention. She's got mine.
Amy Biancolli-San Francisco Chronicle
Peyton Place meets Deliverance in a meth lab.
Dan Jardine-Cinemania
In moments of confrontation [Jennifer Lawrence's Ree] is as fearsome as Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, taking on monsters to protect the small and the vulnerable.
Jeffrey Overstreet-Image
Jennifer Lawrence is dazzling as the film's protagonist as she struggles to uncover the truth between her addict father's disappearance.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight
Winter's Bone is an absorbing and socially conscious piece of work, underwritten by the constant threat of violence.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray
Gritty and real...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews
Granik... proves a dab hand with the camera, capturing the starkness of the Ozarks and Ree's situation in a free-flowing and pensive way that transfers the chill of it all on to the screen.
Matt Neal-The Standard
Not having been to this part of the country, I can't say for sure whether Granik has captured it accurately. The point is that it feels genuine.
Eric D.
Granik pays deference to the curious ways of the mountain folk, rejecting the prevailing hillbilly clichés to depict people with hardy survival instincts in the grip of financial hardship and addiction.
An unflinching portrait of shabby life in the Ozarks, this powerful indie drama features an Oscar-caliber turn from Jennifer Lewis, a real discovery who's only 20, in the lead.
Emanuel Levy-EmanuelLevy.Com
Winter's Bone certainly has its redeeming qualities, particularly its cinematography and a superb lead performance by Jennifer Lawrence, but man, does it feel EMPTY until a gripping sequence near the end.
Gabe Leibowitz-Film and Felt
An acutely gripping, grimly authentic thriller.
Jason Best-Movie Talk
full review at Movies for the Masses
Joseph Proimakis-Movies for the Masses
Un retrato realista, crudo y duro de ambientes y personajes que viven al margen de la sociedad, de la ley y la moral, y que crece en intensidad como un thriller de suspenso. Estupendas actuaciones de Jennifer Lawrence y John Hawkes.
Enrique Buchichio-Uruguay Total
Uma narrativa densa e multifacetada que permite que aquelas pessoas desafiem nossos preconceitos e se apresentem como indivíduos imperfeitos, sim, mas jamais unidimensionais.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena
There is a profound sense of Neorealism percolating beneath Winter's Bone's noirish mystery plot.
Shaun Munro-What Culture
... consciously attempting to avoid clichés can erode authenticity. To director Debra Granik's credit, realism permeates every frame of digital imagery
Matt Kelemen-Las Vegas CityLife
A gripping movie that graphically portrays poverty as the worst form of violence in the life of a 17-year-old heroine struggling to save her family.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice
Winter's Bone is boosted by a stellar cast of characters who engender both scares and occasional sympathy.
Luke Y. Thompson-E! Online
Winter's Bone is as quiet as a snake. It's a chilling and challenging visit into a remote -- perhaps alien -- world. But while Winter's Bone has anguish and fear, the film is ultimately life-affirming and real.
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